Archives for posts with tag: Obama

Barack Obama has a serious problem that is being overlooked by virtually everyone in the media. Doesn’t matter whether it’s The New York Times, MSNBC or Fox News. Though, at the Times, perhaps Maureen Dowd knows what I’m talking about?

By Taylor Jones

Read stroty

Nancy Pelosi explains why unemployment is good for you.


vote2Will my vote count? After some of the debacles of the last 8 years, well, I hope so.
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A magazine cover of Barack Obama and his wife has caused controversy in the United States.
The New Yorker cartoon depicts the Democratic presidential candidate as a Muslim and his wife Michelle in camouflage fatigues with a gun strapped to her shoulder, with a portrait of Osama bin Laden hanging over the mantel.

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“Star Wars” creator George Lucas used his expert opinion to compare some of his famous characters to famous politicians Tuesday morning.
Lucas, who was on Capitol Hill to testify at the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Telecommunications and the Internet subcommittee hearing on universal service, was totally nonpartisan when it came to President Bush, declining to weigh in on our question: “Who is President Bush more like: Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader?”

Yeas & Nays

Reasonably obvious indeed. And here’s the photographic evidence.

What would happen if Hillary tried to push herself into the White House.

By ethan_sky

obamagirl…and definitely better than ever. Mi escena favorita es donde aparece Bill Clinton, que no deja lugar a dudas sobre la efectividad de la música como parte esencial en la lucha electoral.

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Clinton Obama : fear mongering, originalmente cargada por

Hilary Clinton ya tiene preparado un nuevo ataque contra su rival en la carrera por la Presidencia.
El equipo de campaña de la señora Clinton planea dar una conferencia en Ohio en la que hará circular una fotografía muy atemorizante.
Ella pretenderá ganar el voto sindicalista mediante discursos en un ambiente oscuro y tétrico, y atrás una foto de Barack Obama.

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